GFD Training Department Logo
GFD Training Department Logo


Georgetown Fire Department Training Division Logo

GFD Station 5
GFD Station 5


Georgetown Fire Department, Station 5 Logo

Ballistic Travel, Austin, Texas
Ballistic Travel, Austin, Texas


Ballistic Travel Logo, Austin, Texas

Firefighter owned and operated travel agency specializing in luxury destination travel for small business and entrepreneurs

2021 M4A Statewide Rally
2021 M4A Statewide Rally


Promotional poster for the 2021 Medicare for All rally

IMG_0667 (Edited).PNG
Understanding Socialism
Understanding Socialism

Book cover digital illustration for “Understanding Socialism”, a Democracy @ Work publication, New York, New York

Socialist Rose
Socialist Rose


Digital Illustration of the Socialist Rose for Democracy @ Work, New York, New York

Super Marx
Super Marx


Digital rendering of Karl Marx as a superhero, saving the world from a capital based system, reorganizing an economic system, placing value on human labor, not capital.

GFD Training Department Logo
GFD Station 5
Ballistic Travel, Austin, Texas
2021 M4A Statewide Rally
IMG_0667 (Edited).PNG
Understanding Socialism
Socialist Rose
Super Marx
GFD Training Department Logo


Georgetown Fire Department Training Division Logo

GFD Station 5


Georgetown Fire Department, Station 5 Logo

Ballistic Travel, Austin, Texas


Ballistic Travel Logo, Austin, Texas

Firefighter owned and operated travel agency specializing in luxury destination travel for small business and entrepreneurs

2021 M4A Statewide Rally


Promotional poster for the 2021 Medicare for All rally

Understanding Socialism

Book cover digital illustration for “Understanding Socialism”, a Democracy @ Work publication, New York, New York

Socialist Rose


Digital Illustration of the Socialist Rose for Democracy @ Work, New York, New York

Super Marx


Digital rendering of Karl Marx as a superhero, saving the world from a capital based system, reorganizing an economic system, placing value on human labor, not capital.

show thumbnails